Youth Culture Killed My Dog, Episode 5: I Don’t Want to Insult Machiavelli

In the fifth episode of Youth Culture Killed My Dog, Roy Rogers, Christopher Fannon, and Jeff Kusterbeck discuss the latest news and reviews in American pop-culture – comics, movies, and television. Over the course of two hours our topics include: True Detective, Captain Marvel #1 from Marvel, the recent Marvel movie universe special on ABC, Diablo 3 and its upcoming new expansion Reaper of Souls, the upcoming Fargo television show, and a spoiler filled preview of the upcoming fourth season of Game of Thrones.YCKMD_WORDS_FOR_INTERNET_USE

As we are just getting this podcast started we ask for patience as we work out technical and editing issues with our audio.

You can click here to listen to the mp3 in a new window or right-click to download and save for later. You can also subscribe or listen to the episode through our iTunes feed.

Detailed show-notes are available below. We welcome comments, questions, and feedback there or by email or at You can also subscribe, review, or comment on this podcast on iTunes. Thank you for checking out Youth Culture Killed My Dog and keep listening! Read the rest of this entry »